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My Mission: Breaking Down The Barriers To Love

"Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it." --Rumi

About a year ago, following an ayahuasca ceremony, I settled on a mission statement for my life (or at least this chapter of it), inspired by this quotation. I would find those barriers to love and intimacy within myself, work to break them down, and use what I learn to help others do the same in their own hearts. That's why I'm writing this blog and starting this intimacy coaching practice.

At that point, a year ago, I was 6 months post the end of my marriage, suddenly with a new set of choices about how to live my life. During the ceremony, I had seen clearly my desire to make intimacy my focus, and a new friend I made during the ceremony affirmed my aptitude to do this work - she thanked me for holding a gentle, uplifting, and inviting masculine energy and let me know how transformative that could be. If you reading this, friend, know how influential was your well-placed reflection to me.

It took some time to figure out what walking this path might look like, both personally and professionally. Newly polyamorous, I had a lot of lessons yet to learn about dating, building relationships, and cultivating intimacy in my personal life. Professionally, I considered a whole host of related options, before I discovered Somatica. After making that serendipitous discovery, though, it was clear that this was the right set of tools, community, and practice structure for working on my mission statement. I dove in head-first. As of today, I'm still a student, still getting my feet wet in the waters of intimacy coaching, but I'm optimistic that this path with prove worthwhile and my trajectory will go deep.

For now, I'm looking forward to fleshing out this blog with posts about topics I've been delving into. Soon, I might tack a poll onto this post for a survey on what folks want to see next. For now, feel free to leave any comments or questions you have.

With love and sincerity,



About the Author I’m a Sex & Relationship Coach trained in the Somatica method. Come work with me to learn and practice skills that help you with dating and building new intimate relationships, spicing up your erotic connections, and deepening the connection you have with your existing lovers or partners.

If you'd like to work with me, feel free to contact me with questions or book a 30 minute consultation call.

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